Monday, April 28, 2008

Accolades diversification and development of tourism infrastructure in the Dominican Republic

The general director of the ITB Berlin, the largest annual tourism event worldwide, praised the effective diversification strategy, promotion and construction of infrastructure that develops the Dominican Republic.

"We welcome the diversification strategy, coupled with infrastructure development (being) driven realistically, and even courageous visionary" by the State Secretariat of Tourism (SECTUR), said David Ruetz to lecture at the opening of the XX Tourist Bourse in the Caribbean.

Only through the Committee on Infrastructure Development Bank Holiday Resorts (CEIZTUR) - excluding other state institutions such as Public Works - are currently being built roads and other infrastructure by almost RD$3 billion in tourist places in the country, reported a press release of SECTUR.

Ruetz, who also chairs the prestigious firm Fair Berlin, external "to reap the fruits of these investments, there is a possibility: to continue with this strategy of continuously", since "any new guidance would be counterproductive, even fatal, as demonstrated, for the potential tourism.

From his side, the president of the BTC, Luis Felipe Aquino, highlighted the enormous impact that will have the capital Cruise Terminal, Metro Santo Domingo, the refurbishing of the Malecon and its parks and squares (which implement the council's National District) and the Convention Center, a work whose feasibility study will begin next month.

These works are changing the urban landscape of the city, to become a destination not only business but a cultural destination and cruise “with excellent prospects.” It is worth the investment of close to US$400 million in the project of the Port of Santo Domingo, in addition to the new terminal includes hotels, a marina, and shopping malls, among other attractions.

If you want to buy the best of infrastructure, come with us and we'll show you various ways of personal development in your own habitat.

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