Saturday, March 08, 2008

We invite you to know the Dominican Republic and to be part of it, Vico offers facilities.

Dominican Republic belongs to the Antilles. The island is divided in two the Republic of Haiti on the left side of the island and the Dominican Republic on the right. Due to its geographical location, is a very pleasant place for tourists.

It is very interesting to learn aspects of the Dominican life, and to be free, the great men who gave the Republic struggled and deliver all whether, and the freedom that today we can show to the world. There are different versions about the origin of the population most primitive “Quisqueya”, many of which are spectacular.

But today sustains and supports these people came from South America. The rationale behind this theory is the fact that when the Spanish explored the area of the West Indies, Indians who inhabited possessed many of the customs widespread in the population of the area that form the rivers Oricono, Amazonas, Xingu and Pajo.

The constitution is the center of the state policy which are based on other laws. The legal precepts are arranged all around the constitution, because it contains the rules which should guide all citizens. In any independent state constitution is a supreme order, the validity of which is independent of any other. Above the constitution of a state, only this popular will.

The extension of the Dominican Republic is 48422 km². Including the territory of the islands next to it; Saona (117 km ²) and Catalina Catalinita. Land of which a portion is reserved for you, you only have to contact us (Vico Real Estate) we take care of the rest.

In the present, and especially after the construction of the Panama Canal (1914), the island of Santo Domingo accounts for the major economic and political conditions, the appropriate place to maintain their interests. The Dominican Republic has an excellent climate. The sea breezes and ocean currents alter the tropical climate. The periods of rain are from May to June and September to November. The rainy and dry seasons are more frequent in the southwest. Tropical cyclones tend to strike the Dominican territory mainly by the southern region.

Mining is important in the Dominican economy, where there are deposits of various minerals, which are: salt, gypsum, bauxite, ferroniquel, silver, and gold. The breeding is a very important line in the economy of the Dominican Republic, and major are: cattle, pigs, among others. Considering also, part of the national livestock: fishing, practiced skill level, fun and food. It is important to know this country, the good things you have learned from their ancestors, which is like today is that many people in the past fought so that today we can enjoy what we have.

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