Thursday, January 31, 2008

They choose Carnival Commission of Puerto Plata 2008

Almost February is arriving, and as we all know this is a month in which the Dominican Republic celebrates its colorful carnival. Each province has a unique feature like Puerto Plata is yours.

This exciting event is that Puerto Plata is preparing to launch what will be his acclaimed 2008 carnival, since the committee was formed during a meeting last Sunday in the meeting room of the City Council, which was headed by edilicio chairman of the agency, Martin Almonte de Leon.

The assembly Carnival is valued at RD$3,296,950.00, a sum which is managed by the promoter of the activity, Julio Alberto Melo (July) with local and national companies, many of which have already committed to sponsoring this activity to be conducted during the four Sundays in February.

The agenda addressed during the meeting included reporting on the progress of this organizational event is the carnival shows that expresses in the most genuine national and structuring a work plan lightning, given the lack of time there.

For this purpose the members of the Organizing Committee present at the meeting formed committees to organize and finance and was approved to hold another session next Friday, at 10:00 am, at City Hall, to continue with the assembly of Provincial 2008 edition of the Carnival.

They agreed to work so hard for unitary and mounting Carnival is successful and satisfy sponsors and the public to give quotes every Sunday from February to the straw of the jetty in this town, without neglecting the public abroad each year, we visit and enjoy and to share our famous carnival. Interesting is that we have already thought of a perfect place for them, here in VICO REAL ESTATE.

The events included in the program being prepared, are attractive and innovative it is expected that tens of thousands of fans are attending the carnival scene chosen for assembly, which is filled with colorful, music, and the whole festive atmosphere surrounding this type of activity.

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