Wednesday, January 30, 2008

In the Dominican Republic baseball is played to win.

The Dominican pride is contagious for the sake of it is spread. There is this is the reason why the Dominican Republic has more long-lived, despite the trouble that often prove. Like all know the Eagles and the Licey are two main rivals in the area of baseball, because the good news is that the Eagles won the match and the celebration has been extended until the Dominicans decide.

The Aguilas Cibaeñas continue the celebration of its 20th title in baseball in the Dominican Republic and officially made its customary parade of champions. The park Cibao, the headquarters of the club, was quoted start of the traditional event that was present the main streets, avenues and neighborhoods of this city.

You could not miss the holding area where there is the monument and culminated the trail of monarchs, which last Friday, a series of nine matches, beat Tigers of Licey for his coronation. The Eagles needed only 8 (5-3) to achieve the crown that makes it the most successful franchise of the ball with 20 Dominican cetros.

The time set for the undertaking of the caravan which includes the participation of players in the team, is the two in the afternoon. Just as in politics, the ball phrases and occurrences like borbotones and the grand final of the Dominican ball was not an exception to the rule. The banners referring to the series in front of the Licey Tigers continued to be put across from Santiago on Friday, and many of them, called attention powerfully.

In relation to the 100 anniversary of the Licey Tigers, for many mean "100 Years of Solitude" or a warning that "With 100 years everyone dies." Also what that "at home knows better" or "unhappy birthday". Other placards referred to the "rain of tears in the Quisqueya", or so that "we win or not lends the play.

And to finish, someone referred to that "Caribbean Series without tolls." There were many ideas and occurrences reflected in banners, and this time replaced the traditional and classic "Santiago is Santiago and the Eagles are the Eagles," which eternizes the immense and gone untimely to the communicator Fidencio Garris.

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