Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Commemoration Day of La Altagracia in the Dominican Republic

As part of our culture, the traditional celebration of the Commemoration Day of La Altagracia arrives each January 21. As expected, hundreds of devotees and devout go to the churches to offer pledges support church activities, thanks to the mother Mary, or just show admiration for his divine work as a submissive mother of God.

The tradition of the Commemoration Day La Altagracia lays in the Christian and Catholic faith all the people in making the devout Protection of the Nation and all Dominicans under this title. "The devotion to the Virgin of Altagracia is part of the history of the faith of our people and we can not ignore the religious life in the Dominican.

Anywhere in the world where there is a Dominican, January 21 does not pass unnoticed since that devotion is part of the unifying element of our people, says Monsignor Julio Cesar Amaro Corniel Bishop of the Diocese of Puerto Plata, where this day is celebrated fervently.

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A Day in History "From the year 1514, the brothers Trejo of the newly-founded town of Higuey began to experience a series of miracles to the image of this virgin, the first to be brought to the new world. They put the picture for further veneration in the parish church of Higuey, "says Monsignor on the emergence of this tradition. The avocation of Our Lady Altagracia is due to the miracles that this has made which has been the source of hope for believers who have received some good for his intercession.

The celebration of Altagracia attracts thousands of worshippers to the Basilica of Higuey where is the true image of the Virgin without denying others the venerated from the church to where, in addition to attending church services in his honor are offered and saints. Also a traditional hour of Higuey, the other provinces have as patron and within those are Puerto Plata, which also venerates the Virgin of Mercy from the big celebration of the municipal fire brigade in the city.

Maria de la Altagracia is the wife of Canaan and she asks his son to be part in the situation and make a miracle there, and also intercedes for the devout Dominican people that have been faithful to this cult that each Again is strengthened through countless miracles performed through the virgin that faith that you have given.

One sample of this monitoring is to see how cent of Higuey pilgrimages are made on that day and how we find stamps car and bus as an icon of protection, the tradition of candles in his honor in different locations throughout the country and especially the big picture than ever lacking in the majority of households in the country.

In short, a great devotion invoking under this avocation of Our Lady Altagracia, on Monday expected the aforementioned pilgrimages to the Basilica of Higuey, and a big celebration in all the country's churches in honor of the great patron.

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