Buying real estate is one of the most important investments a person or company can make.
That is why it’s essential that you take into account several precautions before signing a contract. Our experts recommend the following steps before buying property:
1. Research the Title Certification.
Although the law and government establish conditions of judicial security, we recommend that the buyer or a legal representative examine the document’s authenticity.
2. Check the property’s legal standing.
Consult the legal situation of the property at the Title Registration offices, the Land Court and the General Internal Revenue Directorate (DGII). This simple step will reveal any restrictions, embargoes or outstanding taxes that may interfere with the purchase.
3. Find out where to go for all required procedures.
The office in charge of the property’s legal procedures and investigations will vary depending on its location within the national territory. For instance, if the property is located in SosĂșa, the buyer should go to the Title Registration office in the province of Puerto Plata.
4. Hire a lawyer.
Dominican law grants all individuals the right to access the Title Registration offices for real estate information; however, given the complexity of the process and land jurisdiction system, we recommend you hire a local lawyer or land surveyor.
5. Research zoning laws.
The use or development of property may be regulated or limited according to its location. It is very important to examine environmental, urbanization, public embellishment or other municipal regulations.
6. A sk about other related payments.
Find out about all utilities and private services related to the property like maintenance, water, electricity, garbage recollection, cable television, as well as the payment to employees (construction workers and contractors) if you plan to build.
7. Inspect the property.
Once the legal status of the property has cleared, it’s important to examine key factors of its physical condition:
a. Actual appearance.
b. Location.
c. Current use of the property.
d. Size.
e. Boundaries and adjacent properties.
8. Speed up the selling/buying process.
The closing of the real estate transaction can be done more efficiently if both the buyer and seller provide all the documents and information needed on time.
9. Double check the sales/ purchase contract.
Because every sales/ purchase agreement is different (various payment arrangements, participants, subject matter, place where it is signed, selling price, etc.), you must always verify that all the information is clear and accurate.
10. Register your purchase quickly.
It is best to transfer the property immediately after the closing of the transaction. That way you will avoid hassles or even fraud.
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