Opportunities for all
Real estate in the Dominican Republic offers many opportunities, if we advantage of them, this sector can have a very positive effect on the country’s development and the quality of live of its entire population
Real estate in the Dominican Republic offers many opportunities, if we advantage of them, this sector can have a very positive effect on the country’s development and the quality of live of its entire population

The tourism industry is one of the most important pillars that support boost and diversify the country’s economic development. With an increase of 9.9% registered in 2006, this industry’s growth seems well on its way. However, the country now has its eyes on real estate as a means to complement the traditional passenger sector. The goal is to become one of the most important real estate tourism destinations worldwide.
Catalyst of multiple benefits
Real estate has a tremendous impact on different areas of our economy, such as construction, agriculture, manufacturing, business, tourism related activities, and other innovative services like health centers, spas and investments from pension funds. In addition, in indirectly benefits other industries by using products like dairy, plastic, paper, furniture, lingerie, home décor, arts, crafts, restaurants, bus transportation, tour agencies, entertainment and cultural events, shopping centers, clinics and much more.
All activities related to real estate create thousands of direct and indirect jobs in formerly stagnant communities, thus helping improve the quality of life of its population and distributing many benefits to the general economy.
Furthermore, the sector makes a significant contribution to the country’s income, strengthening our balance sheet.
Tangible results
An investment in real estate is very profitable, which is why investors find it so attractive, especially foreigners.
This year alone, internationally renowned projects have sold more than US$1,500 million. Their success helps strengthen the county’s image, not only as a tourism destination but also as a center for real estate.
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